An eclectic assortment of media reviews, journaling, idle thoughts, opinions, and maybe some poetry.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Back to School

I have finally moved in to my dorm, and it sure feels good to be back. Luckily for me I was able to move in a day before the move-in date for normals. So what that means is that I basically have a very quiet and peaceful hall to live on. Not to say that the hall is usually noisy, but it's nice to know that I won't be bothered by any ruckus of those jittery freshmen.

As for my room, I have to say that my set-up is different than anything I have done before and I actually put a little effort into decorating my walls, which are a suffocating white. I have four posters, all relating to media so I thought I would quickly list them.

#1. Doctor Who TARDIS Explosion:  I am a big fan of time travel media, so Doctor Who is right up my alley. I started watching it in 9th grade, with Matt Smith as my first Doctor (though I promptly made sure to watch all the preceding seasons of the reboot). While I started watching primarily because a girl I had a crush on loved Doctor Who, I quickly became a big fan myself. The poster is a adaptation of the portrait done by Van Gogh in the episode "Vincent and the Doctor."

#2. & #3. All the Marvel Characters & Justice League Silhouettes: I thought I would list these together because I want to be clear that I give both comic groups buckets of appreciation. While it is hard to disagree that Marvel has movie superiority, the characters in all the comic universes are amazing. This is part of the reason I have so much trouble picking a favorite superhero or villain; the powers and personalities have been give so much life over the many, many years that their respective comics have been written.

#4. "Crime and Punishment" Litograph: This is a bit hard to explain, but basically what the team at Litographs does is take the text from a book and print it onto a poster in some shape that also represents the books content. For example here is mine:
As you can see the picture clearly shows representations of crime and punishment, but what is more difficult to see is that the fuzzy gray in the picture is actually the entire text of the book itself. I loved this idea, and even has books printed on T-Shirts. Their website has many famous classic books like "Alice in Wonderland" or "Pride and Prejudice." I chose the "Crime and Punishment" one because I enjoyed the book by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and felt a great accomplishment at finishing the monster of a book.

As you can see I have enough appreciation for books, television, movies, and comics that I wanted to display them for anyone who might see.

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